
School Leadership



Word from the President

There are numerous other Seminaries in the US with illustrious history and long tradition but our school has been growing with our own mission to raise leaders that serve the immigrant church and society, as well as the global Mission field.

We are located close to the epicenter of the world’s diversity, Los Angeles, and have the mission of sending disciples into the world that are trained with well-balanced theology and true reverence. We have the following 5 pillars to realize our vision.

1. High Quality Theological Education

PTSA’s faculty, over 90% of whom have doctoral degrees from outstanding seminaries in the United States, offer high quality theological education where students will gain a proficient understanding of God and His Word and learn research skills that will equip them to conduct sound research.

2. Dynamic Spiritual Formation Education

PTSA’s spiritual formation education takes a holistic and integrative approach to lead students to grow deeper in their knowledge of, and love for, God, self, and others, which will be reflected in their Christ-centered life lived out in whatever setting God places them.

3. Global Leadership Education

PTSA’s leadership education strives to raise up leaders who will have the heart of servants and lead by example, integrating biblical and theological knowledge with professional skills in ministerial and public leadership.

4. Cultural Education Across Disciplines

PTSA strives to train students to critically discern the truth wherever it is found (that is, both in special revelation, the Bible, and in general revelation, the general academic disciplines such as humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, arts) and evaluate it from a biblical perspective, integrate with theology, and apply to their life and ministry.

5. Bilingual Education

PTSA opened Santa Fe Language & Culture School in January 2014 and provides students and local residents with English and culture education to prepare students for more effective global ministry. Our institution will do our outmost to raise and send off disciples that will make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20).

Sincerely, Dr. Sang Myong Lee President, PTSA2

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Lee, Sang Myong, President of PTSA, was born in Daegu, Korea in 1963. His doctoral thesis, “The Cosmic Drama of Salvation: A Study of Paul’s Undisputed Writings from Anthropological and Cosmological Perspectives” was published in Germany’s world renowned Mohr Siebeck. He was the Managing Editor at the Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology and is currently serving as the 6th president of PTSA, since 2012. His areas of study includes: Interpretations of Paul’s theology in Greco Roman context, Contextualization in the Mission/Diaspora field and holistic biblical interpretation.


  • Ph.D. / Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
  • M.A. / Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
  • M.Div. / Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
  • B.S. / Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea


  • “The Cosmic Drama of Salvation, the Law, and Christ in Paul’s Undisputed Writings: From Anthropological and Cosmological Perspectives.” Ph.D. Dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University, 2008.

  • The Cosmic Drama of Salvation: A Study of Paul’s Undisputed Writings from Anthropological and Cosmological Perspectives, WUNT 276 (Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 2010)
  • “Hearing from the characters in the Old Testament” (Seoul: Hong Sung Sa, 2013)
  • “Hearing from the characters in the New Testament” (Seoul: Hong Sung Sa, 2013)
  • (Co-authored) Kim Chan Hee Professor’s 60year celebration Journal, “Bible and Immigrant Theology” (Seoul: Nathan Publishing, 1995) Title: “Eschatology of the Gospel: Symbolic or Real?”
  • (Co-authored) “Real Teacher- Korean Christian Education Ideology through Characters” (Seoul: Saemoolgyul Plus, 2014) Title: “Ahn Chang Ho, Launching a boat out to a raging Sea”
  • (Co-authored) “Goel, Talking to the Church- Biblical model for Communal healing and recovery” (Seoul: Hong Sung Sa, 2017) Title: “Jesus Christ the Savior, completion of Goel”
  • (Co-authored) “Theological meaning behind ‘Disabled ministry’” (Seoul: Milal Publishing, 2018) Title: “Paul’s Community Ideology and Disabled Theology”
  • (Co-authored) “4th Industrial Revolution and Mission in the Diaspora Era” (Seoul: Kenosis Publishing, 2019) Title: “Future society under the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Churches’ Duty”
  • (Co-authored) “Revelation, Victory song of God’s people” (Seoul: Bible Union, 2019) Title: “Intro to Revelation”
  • (Co-authored) “Eat this book- Understanding and Model of Bible Recital from a Theological, Ministrial, and Missional viewpoint” (Seoul: Ezra Bible Reading Ministry, 2020)
  • (Co-authored/Editor) “Post Corona Era and the Future of the Church” (Seoul: Dongyeon, 2020) Title: “Attack of the Pandemic and the Post-Corona Era: Work of God’s Kingdom in a world infected with Greed”

  • “Marginalization and Its Driving Force: Apocalyptic/Eschatological Vision.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 4 (2001): 29-46.
  • “Beyond Ideologies, Toward Unification in the Light of the Ethos of the Jesus Movement.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 5 (2002): 36-64.
  • “The Buddha Image of Jesus and Christianity as Enlightenment Religion in the Gospel of Thomas.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 6 (2003-2004): 46-68.
  • James M. Robinson 박사의 논문, “My Theological Autobiography on the New Quest of the Historical Jesus”의 한글 번역. 「미주장신논단」 창간호(2008): 212-236.
  • Korean translation of Dr. James M. Robinson’s Thesis, “My Theological Autobiography on the New Quest of the Historical Jesus”. “PTSA Journal”, First Issue (2008): 212-236
  • “Judaism, Christianity and the Jerusalem Temple after 70 C.E.: An Ecclesiological Approach.” 「미주장신논단」 창간호(2008): 237-266. “PTSA Journal”, First Issue (2008): 237-266
  • “The Law, Christ, and the enemies in the world of Paul’s story” “PTSA Journal”, 2nd Issue (2009): 12-69.
  • “Paul the Disciple goes to Los Angeles: Pauls’ theology and Korean-American Immigrant Church’s contextualization of Theology”
  • “Immigrant Thesis Journal” First Issue (2009): 22-45
  • “Globalization, Global Warming, and Theology of Symbiosis.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 9 (2009): 14-31.
  • “Right way to read the Bible for the Korean American Church: Read the whole bible and Act upon it!” “Immigrant Thesis Journal” 2nd Issue (2010)
  • “Vision within the Maria Hymn(Luke 1:46-55)”, “The Word” (March 2014): 20-33
  • “Theological meaning behind Paul’s Thanksgiving by each Gospel”, “The Word” (November 2014): 80-95
  • “Discipleship as the Subversive Way of Jesus.” The Living Pulpit (February 2014).
  • http://www.pulpit.org/2014/02/
  • “The Future of the Korean Church and Theological Education” “Korean American Churches History Book”. Christian Herald (Gapwoo Munhwasa, 2014)
  • “Dosan Ahn Chang Ho, Launching a boat out to a raging Sea.” “God who came to Korea: Foundation of Korean Americans, their Challenge and Mission”. Korean American Cultural Foundation Inc (Saehan Publishing, 2014)
  • “Conversion of Paul and Mission Theology”, “Mission and Theology” 40(2016): 13-48.
  • “Song of the Cross, Christ Hymnal” “The Word” (April 2016): 182-200.
  • “Beautiful work field (Acts 8:1-4), “The Word” (April 2016): 192-205.

  • “Marginalization and Its Driving Force: Apocalyptic/Eschatological Vision.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 4 (2001): 29-46.
  • “Beyond Ideologies, Toward Unification in the Light of the Ethos of the Jesus Movement.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 5 (2002) 36-64.
  • “The Buddha Image of Jesus and Christianity as Enlightenment Religion in the Gospel of Thomas.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 6 (2003-2004):46-68.
  • “Judaism, Christianity and the Jerusalem Temple after 70 C.E.: An Ecclesiological Approach.” Journal of Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America 1 (2008): 237-266./li>
  • “Globalization, Global Warming, and Theology of Symbiosis.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 9 (2009): 14-31.
  • “Discipleship as the Subversive Way of Jesus.” The Living Pulpit (February 2014). http://www.pulpit.org/2014/02/

  • “Eschatology of the Gospel: Symbolic or Real?” Kim Chan Hee Professor’s 60year celebration Journal, “Bible and Immigrant Theology” (Seoul: Nathan Publishing, 1995), 139-168
  • “Paul the Disciple goes to Los Angeles: Pauls’ theology and Korean-American Immigrant Church’s contextualization of Theology”
  • “Immigrant Thesis Journal” First Issue (2009): 22-45
  • “The Law, Christ, and the enemies in the world of Paul’s story” “PTSA Journal”, 2nd Issue (2009): 12-69.
  • “Right way to read the Bible for the Korean American Church: Read the whole bible and Act upon it!” “Immigrant Thesis Journal” 2nd Issue (2010): 39-76
  • “Vision within the Maria Hymn(Luke 1:46-55)”, “The Word” (March 2014): 20-33
  • “Theological meaning behind Paul’s Thanksgiving by each Gospel”, “The Word” (November 2014): 80-95
  • “Song of the Cross, Christ Hymnal” “The Word” (April 2016): 182-200.
  • “Beautiful work field (Acts 8:1-4), “The Word” (April 2016): 192-205.
  • “Conversion of Paul and Mission Theology”, “Mission and Theology” 40(2016): 13-48.

  • 신약개론/Introduction to the New Testament
  • 신약신학/New Testament Theology
  • 공관복음/Synoptic Gospels
  • 요한복음/The Gospel of John
  • 사도행전과 바울서신/Acts and the Pauline Epistles
  • 바울서신/The Pauline Epistles
  • 바울신학과 현대적 적용/Paul’s Theology and Its Modern Applications
  • 바울의 선교신학과 선교방법론/Paul’s Theology of Mission and Missionary Methods
  • 계시록/The Book of Revelation
  • 신약성서 석의방법론/New Testament Exegesis
  • 성경해석학/Biblical Hermeneutics
  • 신구약중간사/Intertestamental History
  • 신약성경과 선교/The New Testament and Missions
  • Teaching Experience: since 1998


Administrative Staffs

Sang Meyng Lee
Sang Meyng Lee

Chairperson of Personnel Committee,

562-926-1023 (EXT 301)

Rubin Kim
Rubin Kim

Internal Vice President in Finance, Grant, & Development

562-926-1023 (EXT 302)

Joong Han Chung
Joong Han Chung

External Vice President & External Cooperation Executive


Steve Sunghak Hong
Steve Sunghak Hong

COO & Acting Dean of Graduate School of Business

562-926-1023 (EXT 304)

Jung Ja Kang
Jung Ja Kang

Dean of Academic Affairs - Chairperson of Curriculum Committee

562-926-1023 (EXT 303)

Jongpil Ko
Jongpil Ko

Dean of Institutional Research - Chairperson of Publishing Committee

562-926-1023 (EXT 313)

John Lee
John Lee

Dean of Student Development & Public Relations - Chairperson of Scholarship Committee

562-926-1023 (EXT 312)

Jang hoon Woo
Jang hoon Woo

Campus Chaplain & Dean of Distance Education - Chairperson of Historical Resources Preservation

562-926-1023 (EXT 306)

Judy Kim
Judy Kim

Dean of Administration

562-926-1023 (EXT 302)

Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee

Acting Dean of Graduate School of Counseling Psychology
Director of Santa Fe Counseling Center

562-926-1023 (EXT 310)

Peter Im
Peter Im

Director, Dept. of Intercultural Studies - Intercultural Studies

562-926-1023 (EXT 309)

Charles Eun Chul Kim
Charles Eun Chul Kim

Director of M.Div
Director of D.Min.
English Chaplain

562-926-1023 (EXT 308)

Sunny Kim
Sunny Kim

Director of Financial Aid

562-926-1023 (EXT 302)

Yongsik Kim
Yongsik Kim

Vice Director, Dept. of Intercultural Studies - Diaspora Historiography

562-926-1023 (EXT 309)

Ruth Min
Ruth Min

Global Admission Associate Director

562-926-1023 (EXT 308)

Choonshik Shin
Choonshik Shin

Doctoral Programs Advisor of Intercultural Studies - Intercultural Studies

562-926-1023 (EXT 309)

Yongam Chung
Yongam Chung

Doctoral Dissertation Writing Advisor & Bibliographic Information Manager - Intercultural Studies


James H. Kim
James H. Kim

Manager of Professional Chaplaincy Program - Board Certified Chaplain (BCC)


Douho Im
Douho Im

Librarian - Library and Information Science

562-926-1023 (EXT 307)

Euna Song
Euna Song


562-926-1023 (EXT 305)

Gwijung Jung
Gwijung Jung

Manager of Learning Support and Assessment

562-926-1023 (EXT 306)

Hakjun Lee
Hakjun Lee

IT Technician

562-926-1023 (EXT 306)

Mi Young Pyun
Mi Young Pyun

Student Coordinator for Counseling Psychology Program

562-926-1023 (EXT 310)

Kyoung Choi
Kyoung Choi

Graphic Designer

562-926-1023 (EXT 310)

Kwangjun Choi
Kwangjun Choi

Administrative of Research Grant & Development.

562-926-1023 (EXT 302)

Seong Hee Lee
Seong Hee Lee

Director of California Prestige University Lifelong Institute


Sungman Hwang
Sungman Hwang

Assistant Project Manager at California Prestige University Lifelong Institute



Board of Directors

  • Chairperson | Rev. Choong Yeul Jang
  • Vice Chairperson | Tony Ohsung Kwon
  • Secretary | Rev. Kyoungjae You
  • Recording Secretary | Seon Yong Baek

  • Members |
  • Elder. Myung Soo Kim
  • Rev. Seon Yong Baek
  • Rev. Mi Ran Lee
  • Rev. Paul Seungbae Kang
  • Elder. Dean Saehyung Shim
  • Rev. Jin Woong Kang
  • Elder. Tony Ohsung Kwon
  • Elder. Jay Joo Il Pak
  • Rev. Choong Yeul Jang
  • Rev. Myungchan Gustin Oh
  • Rev. Kyoungjae You
  • Rev. Sang Meyng Lee
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