There are numerous other Seminaries in the US with illustrious history and long tradition but our school has been growing with our own mission to raise leaders that serve the immigrant church and society, as well as the global Mission field.
We are located close to the epicenter of the world’s diversity, Los Angeles, and have the mission of sending disciples into the world that are trained with well-balanced theology and true reverence. We have the following 5 pillars to realize our vision.
PTSA’s faculty, over 90% of whom have doctoral degrees from outstanding seminaries in the United States, offer high quality theological education where students will gain a proficient understanding of God and His Word and learn research skills that will equip them to conduct sound research.
PTSA’s spiritual formation education takes a holistic and integrative approach to lead students to grow deeper in their knowledge of, and love for, God, self, and others, which will be reflected in their Christ-centered life lived out in whatever setting God places them.
PTSA’s leadership education strives to raise up leaders who will have the heart of servants and lead by example, integrating biblical and theological knowledge with professional skills in ministerial and public leadership.
PTSA strives to train students to critically discern the truth wherever it is found (that is, both in special revelation, the Bible, and in general revelation, the general academic disciplines such as humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, arts) and evaluate it from a biblical perspective, integrate with theology, and apply to their life and ministry.
PTSA opened Santa Fe Language & Culture School in January 2014 and provides students and local residents with English and culture education to prepare students for more effective global ministry. Our institution will do our outmost to raise and send off disciples that will make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20).
Sincerely, Dr. Sang Myong Lee President, PTSA2
Dr. Lee, Sang Myong, President of PTSA, was born in Daegu, Korea in 1963. His doctoral thesis, “The Cosmic Drama of Salvation: A Study of Paul’s Undisputed Writings from Anthropological and Cosmological Perspectives” was published in Germany’s world renowned Mohr Siebeck. He was the Managing Editor at the Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology and is currently serving as the 6th president of PTSA, since 2012. His areas of study includes: Interpretations of Paul’s theology in Greco Roman context, Contextualization in the Mission/Diaspora field and holistic biblical interpretation.
Chairperson of Personnel Committee,
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Internal Vice President in Finance, Grant, & Development
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COO & Acting Dean of Graduate School of Business
562-926-1023 (EXT 304)
Dean of Academic Affairs - Chairperson of Curriculum Committee
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Dean of Institutional Research - Chairperson of Publishing Committee
562-926-1023 (EXT 313)
Dean of Student Development & Public Relations - Chairperson of Scholarship Committee
562-926-1023 (EXT 312)
Campus Chaplain & Dean of Distance Education - Chairperson of Historical Resources Preservation
562-926-1023 (EXT 306)
Acting Dean of Graduate School of Counseling Psychology
Director of Santa Fe Counseling Center
562-926-1023 (EXT 310)
Director, Dept. of Intercultural Studies - Intercultural Studies
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Director of M.Div
Director of D.Min.
English Chaplain
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Vice Director, Dept. of Intercultural Studies - Diaspora Historiography
562-926-1023 (EXT 309)
Doctoral Programs Advisor of Intercultural Studies - Intercultural Studies
562-926-1023 (EXT 309)
Doctoral Dissertation Writing Advisor & Bibliographic Information Manager - Intercultural Studies
Manager of Professional Chaplaincy Program - Board Certified Chaplain (BCC)
Student Coordinator for Counseling Psychology Program
562-926-1023 (EXT 310)
Administrative of Research Grant & Development.
562-926-1023 (EXT 302)
Assistant Project Manager at California Prestige University Lifelong Institute