
Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies


Master of Arts in intercultural Studies balances both theory and practical side of Mission to allow a more effective and practical execution out in the field.

The Master of Arts in intercultural Studies program will allow students to better understand diverse cultural differences so that they may establish relationships in various different situations to spread the Gospel. You will be able to grow and participate more professionally in missional ministries on the international stage and develop leadership skills as Missionaries.

This program will help develop relationships that will transform in the Gospel, in the local church, the work place, or the mission field, while interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. We welcome those that are already serving as missionaries as well as those looking to spread the Word of God and become missionaries.

Program at a Glance

Total Credits 43 Credits
Years to Complete 2 Years
Delivery Platforms Blended
[On campus & Online]
Acceditation ATS,ABHE

Program Goal

  • To understand the meaning of God’s Mission toward the world and be able to convey the true meaning of the Gospel to culturally diverse group of people, through word and action.
  • To gain professional knowledge of Intercultural studies and Christian Missions.
  • To combine the bible, theology, history, and social science to enable a Missional lifestyle in the global environment.
  • As a Master’s program student, enhance the ability to write and research on a topic or field of interest.

Education Process

Core Course:
Bible, Theology, Spiritual Formation, Writing Core
  • - PT510 Spiritual Formation
  • - GE503 Advanced Research Writing
  • - NT510(520) or OT520(521) New Testament I(II) or Old Testament I(II)
  • - ST501 or ST502 Systematic Theology I or Systematic Theology II
Core Course:
Intercultural Foundational Studies Core
  • - MI640 World Religion in Mission
  • - MI500 Introduction to Missiology
  • - MI520 History of the World Christian Movement
  • - MI574 Cultural Anthropology for Christian Mission
  • - MI680 Intercultural Communication
  • - PT580 Transformative Global Leadership
  • - FWM01/FWM02 Fieldwork I / Fieldwork II
Core Course:
Intercultural Practical Studies Electives
  • - PT630 Mission in the Islamic Cultural Area
  • - MI660 Cross‐cultural Ministries & Mission
  • - MI550 Global Church Planting & Multiplication Strategies
  • - MI540 Business, NGO, and Tent‐making in Missions Context


Ko, Jong Pil

Dean of Institutional Research
Director of Undergraduate Programs and MAICS
Christian Education
Spiritual Theology

562.926-1023 (EXT 313)

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