Master of Divinity (Korean)
The M/Div. program focuses on developing the abilities of leadership in Pastoral and other related fields.
Program offers Hermeneutics, Church History, Ethics and other theological knowledge
that will aid in practical applications in Pastoral ministries.
We also offer programs that are designed to develop the spirituality of spiritual leaders.
Thank you for visiting PTSA’s M.Div program.
Our M.Div programs are accredited by ATS which is the top accrediting institution in the US and Canada.
You will be able to receive one of the best M.Div educations in the US.
You will be able to be ordaid as a Pastor under the KPCA or other denominations
after earning 89 units and graduating from the M.Div program.
We are proud to represent one of the best Korean American Seminaries
that boast faculty members with abundant experience.
PTSA’s Master’s program, in solidarity with KPCA and other local churches, produces Pastors,
Missionaries, and Counselors that God wants to see work in this age.
hrough the blended courses, students are able to take classes 100% online anywhere in the world and graduate.
We hope you accept God’s commission and join us in expanding the kingdom of God. Thank you.