The Certificate of Professional Chaplaincy program is a degree program designed for those that wish to become Christ centered pastors serving in medical facilities.

Program at a Glance

Total Credits 12 Credits
Years to complete 3 Years
Delivery platforms Blended [On campus & Online]
Acceditation BPPE

The Certificate of Professional Chaplaincy program prepares students to qualify for a unique and demanding ministry. Those who are called and gifted by God can become Board Certified Chaplains or Certified Clinical Chaplains, serving as professionally competent and compassionate spiritual caregivers in healthcare facilities

Education Process

- PT561 Clinical Pastoral Education 1
    Introduction to chaplaincy covers the biblical foundation for pastoral care, the spiritual formation of the Chaplain, hospital visitation dos and don’ts, active listening skills, the Chaplain’s role and identity, terminal issues, grief issues, and how to handle basic emergency situations.
- PT562 Clinical Pastoral Education 2
    This class looks at the professional and personal life of a healthcare Chaplain, spiritual assessment and charting, cross cultural ministry, ministry to staff, being a team player, ministry to surgical patients, general biblical principles on suffering and healing, and an overview of spiritual warfare.
- PT571 Clinical Pastoral Education 3
    This class covers the history of chaplaincy, healthcare policies and procedures, crisis counseling guidelines, medical ethics, family dynamics, responding to objections, funerals, and prayer in world religions.
- PT572 Clinical Pastoral Education 4
    In this final class, the focus will be on mental health ministry, social issues related to healthcare, ministry to the elderly, oncology ministry, professional boundaries, avoiding compassion fatigue, and establishing the Chaplain’s office


Kim, James H.

Manager of Professional Chaplaincy Program

Board Certified Chaplain (BCC)

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